Book: Crazy Rich Asians

I had finished this book last week. When the book first out, I did not have much interest. It’s after I saw people around me read the book, I had interest to read. The book’s very entertaining, a page-turner for me haha. Currently, I’m reading the second book: China Rich Girlfriend. As for the Crazy Rich Asian movie: can’t wait!

Lesson learned from this book:

  1. People can be crazy-rich (means very very rich) and are not boasting about it.
  2. To live below your means.

Done Is Better Than Perfect

​”Another one of my favorite posters at Facebook declares in big red letters, β€œDone is better than perfect.” I have tried to embrace this motto and let go of unattainable standards. Aiming for perfection causes frustration at best and paralysis at worst.”

From Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Halo Pasca Kuliah

Sebenernya banyak banget yang pengen ditulis tapi perlu banyak waktu dan sekarang lagi banyak yang perlu diurus. Terutama tentang kehidupan pasca kuliah. Kalau selesai SMA, mau masuk kuliah, udah tau apa-apa aja yang mesti diurus karena udah ditentuin sama univnya, tapi kalau lulus dari kuliah, mesti nentuin sendiri apa-apa aja yang harus dilakukan (kalau ga mau ditentuin orang lain ya, kalau saya sih ga mau 😊).

Di sisi lain saya ngerasa butuh waktu buat liburan dari rutinitas saat ini. Tujuannya sih biar refresh buat memulai tahapan baru wkwk.


Gambar dikirim oleh Maryam Zakiyyah diambil dari buku Mind Platter – Najwa Zebian